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آنتی بادی CD10 کلون 56C6 برند Patho Sage


Common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA / CD10) is a useful marker for the characterization of childhood leukemia and B cell lymphomas. This antibody reacts with antigen of lymphoblastic, Burkitt’s, and follicular lymphomas; and chronic myelocytic leukemia. Also, Anti-CD10 detects the antigen of glomerular epithelial cells and the brush border of the proximal tubules; this characteristic may be helpful in interpreting renal ontogenesis in conjunction with other markers. Other non-lymphoid cells that are reactive with CD10 are breast myoepithelial cells, bile canaliculi, neutrophils and small population of bone marrow cells, fetal small intestine epithelium, and normal fibroblasts. Recently Anti-CD10 has been used to classify follicular thyroid lesions.


Anti-CD10 is a mouse monoclonal antibody in tissue culture supernatant containing 15mM sodium azide


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Patho Sage CD10 56C6 1.16 MB 2 downloads

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