آنتی بادی Neurofilament 70/200 kDa کلون 2F11 برند Patho Sage
Anti-Neurofilament antibody stains an antigen localized in several neural, neuroendocrine, and endocrine tumors. Neuromas, ganglioneuromas, gangliogliomas, ganglioneuroblastomas and neuroblastomas stain positively for neurofilament. Neurofilaments are also present in paragangliomas and adrenal and extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. Carcinoids, neuroendocrine carcinomas of the skin, and oat cell carcinomas of the lung also express neurofilament.
Anti-Neurofilament is a mouse monoclonal antibody from supernatant diluted in tris buffered saline, pH 7.37.7, with protein base, and preserved with sodium azide
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