دسته: AP
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نمره 0 از 5Available Size : 100 test / 500 test
Kit components:
DAB Substrate Buffer (READY-TO-USE)
DAB Chromogen Concentrate (READY-TO-USE)
DAB enhancer (READY-TO-USE)Master Polymer Plus AP is the result of the experience of a decade in systems of polymers for
immunohistochemistry. The detection system has proven greater sensitivity with an increase in the antigenantibody
binding signal. The new technology of micropolymers provides greater advantages as compared to
the conventional immunohistochemistry techniques and facilitates the detection of antigens in the different
cellular compartments (nucleus, cytoplasm, cytoplasmic membrane) due to the smaller size of the molecule.
The technical procedure used eliminates the background staining originated by the non-specific binding to
endogenous biotin molecules, as Master Polymer Plus AP is a procedure not based in the reaction
The detection system Master Polymer Plus AP is highly sensitive, provides a low background staining and
the results obtained are higher than the ones obtained with the conventional procedures of
Streptavidin/Biotin or long polymers.
The system Master Polymer Plus AP is elaborated with the technology of micropolymers.
This system can be used with:
– Monoclonal primary antibodies obtained in mouse.
– Monoclonal and polyclonal primary antibodies obtained in rabbit.