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کیت های لنفوم

مشاهده همه 4 نتیجه

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  • Linfomas IgH Site
    کیت های لنفوم

    IgH Rearrangements Molecular Analysis Kit

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Kit characteristics

    Contains an amplification mix for each one of the segments FR1-JH, FR2-JH and FR3-JH, and an internal
    control for verifying DNA quality.

    The amplification mixtures are in “monotest” form in colour-identified PCR tubes of 0.2 – 0.5 ml.

    All the mixtures include primers labelled at the 5’ end with 6-FAM fluorochrome, which allows automatic
    analysis of fragments by capillary electrophoresis using GeneScan.

    All amplifications can be carried out in the thermocycler using a single programme.

    The enzyme Phire® Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is supplied in the kit.

    Positive controls for clonal and polyclonal DNA are included.


  • کیت های لنفوم

    IgK-IgL Rearrangements Molecular Analysis Kit

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Kit characteristics
    Contains an amplification mix for each one of the segments IgK (Vκ-Jκ, Vκ-Kde and intronRSS-Kde
    rearrangements), IgL (Vλ-Jλ), and an internal control for verifying DNA quality (CI).
    The amplification mixtures are in “monotest” form in colour-identified PCR tubes of 0.2 ml.
    All the mixtures include primers labelled at the 5’ end with 6-FAM fluorochrome, which allows automatic
    analysis of fragments by capillary electrophoresis (ABI PRISM® 310 Genetic Analyzer, AB 3130, 3130xl,
    3500 y 3500xL Genetic Analyzers).
    All amplifications can be carried out in the thermocycler using a single programme.
    The enzyme Phire® Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is supplied in the kit.
    Positive controls for clonal and polyclonal DNA are included.

    REAGENT                                               COMPONENTS                                                          QUANTITY
    Amplification mixtures                            IgK-A (6-FAM)                                                          20 PCR tubes blue (46 μl)
    (monotest in tubes of 0.2)                      (mix of oligonucleotides from regions Vκ
    and Jκ of IgK gene, dNTP and buffer solution)

                                                               IgK-B (6-FAM)                                                           20 PCR tubes:orange (46 μl)
    (mix of oligonucleotides from regions Vκ,
    intron-RSS, and Kde of IgK gene, dNTP and buffer solution)

    IgL (6-FAM)                                                               20 PCR tubes green (46 μl)
    (mix of oligonucleotides from regions Vλ-
    Jλ of IgL gene, dNTP and buffer solution)

    Internal control mix (CI) (6-FAM)                                 20 PCR tubes yellow (46 μl)
    (oligonucleotides specific for exon 5 of p53
    gene, dNTP and buffer solution)

    DNA polymerase                                       Phire® Hot Start II                                                 2 x 60 μl
    DNA Polymerase*

    Clonal IgK-IgL positive control DNA                           1 x 50 μl
    (50 μg/ml)

    Positive control DNAs                                Polyclonal positive control DNA                                1 x 50 μl
    (100 μg/ml)

  • Linfomas tcrBeta site
    کیت های لنفوم

    TCR Beta Rearrangements Molecular Analysis Kit

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Kit characteristics

    Contains two reaction mixtures (Mixes A and B) for amplification of the Vß-Jß region and a mixture (Mix C) for
    Dß-Jß region of the TCRß gene with an internal amplification control for checking the quality of the DNA.

    The amplification mixtures are in “monotest” form in colour-identified PCR tubes of 0.2 – 0.5 ml.

    All the PCR mixtures include primers marked at their 5’ end with 6-FAM fluorochrome, allowing automatic
    analysis of fragments by capillary electrophoresis using GeneScan.

    All amplifications can be carried out in the thermocycler using a single programme.

    The enzyme Phire® Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is supplied in the kit.

    Positive controls for clonal and polyclonal DNA are included.


  • Linfoma TcRgamma site
    کیت های لنفوم

    TCR Gamma Rearrangements Molecular Analysis Kit

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Kit characteristics

    Contains two multiplex reaction mixtures (Mixes A and B) for the V-J region of the TCRgamma gene with an
    internal amplification control for checking the quality of the DNA.

    The amplification mixtures are in “monotest” form in colour-identified PCR tubes of 0.2 – 0.5 ml.

    All the PCR mixtures include primers marked at their 5’ end with 6-FAM fluorochrome, allowing automatic
    analysis of fragments by capillary electrophoresis using GeneScan.

    All amplifications can be carried out in the thermocycler using a single programme.

    The enzyme Phire® Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is supplied in the kit.

    Positive controls for clonal and polyclonal DNA are included.

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