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آنتی بادی مونوکلونال فلوسایتومتری cyTCRβ-APC ، کلون 8A3

Name: Flow Cytometry Antibody cyTCRβ-APC, Clone 8A3

  • Antibody cyTCRβ-APC is a monoclonal antibody (mAb) labelled with allophycocyanine (APC) designed for use as a direct immunofluorescence reagent in the identification and enumeration of cells which express the β chain of the T-cell Receptor (TCR -βF1) complex by flow cytometry (FC).


FC is a powerful tool for the analytical and quantitative characterization of cells which provides rapid, quantitative and multiparametric analysis of heterogeneous cell populations on a cell-by-cell basis. FC is performed on cells in liquid suspension that have been incubated with fluorescently labeled antibodies directed against specific cellular proteins. The relative fluorescence intensity of the positive cells indicates the amount of antibody bound to specific binding sites on the cells, and therefore provides a relative measure of antigen expression. The 8A3 antibody is specific for human TCR β chain constant region which is expressed by αβ TCR-expressing thymocytes and peripheral T lymphocytes. It does not react with γδ TCR-bearing T cells. In the fetal and adult thymus, the TCR β-chain may form homodimers or pair with the pre-TCR α-chain on the surface of immature thymocytes before expression of the TCR α-chain. The 8A3 antibody has been cited in several research papers involving the study of lymphoma. It is most often used for tissue staining and has been used to stain both frozen sections and paraffin-embedded tissue but is also suitable for immunoprecipitation and FC.


Purified monoclonal TCR -βF1 antibody conjugated with allophycocyanine (APC), supplied in phosphate buffered saline with ≤0,09% (m/v) sodium azide.

  • Clone: 8A3.
  • Isotype: Mouse / IgG1.
  • Amount per vial: 100 tests (5 µl mAb per determination).
  • Suggested working dilutions are given as a guide only. It is recommended that the user titrates the antibody for use in their own system using appropriate negative/positive controls.
  • Reagents are not considered sterile.

یک آنتی بادی مونوکلونال (mAb) می باشد که با (allophycocyanine (APC  نشان دار گشته است. بعنوان یک معرف ایمنوفلوروسانس  مستقیم در شناسایی و شمارش زنجیره ی β رسپتورهای T-cell ها (TCR -βF1) استفاده می گردد.

شماره کاتالوگ: CYT-LAMBPE

کلون: 8A3

ایزوتوپ: IgG1

وضعیت: RUO

هدف: CyTCRB

T-ALL :EuroFlowTM Panel

فرم فیزیکی: مایع

لیزر مورد نیاز برای برانگیختگی: Red lase

اندازه (تست): 100Test

فلوروکروم: APC

شرایط نگهداری: در دمای 2-8  درجه سانتی گراد و مکان خشک نگهداری شود و همچنین معرف نباید فریز گردد و یا در معرض نور مستقیم خورشید قرار بگیرد.




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