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آنتی بادی مونوکلونال فلوسایتومتری CD10-APC-C750 ، کلون HI10a

Name: Flow Cytometry Antibody CD10-APC-C750, Clone HI10a

  • CD10-APC-C750TM is designed for flow cytometry (CF) use as a direct immunofluorescence reagent in the identification and enumeration of CD10 antigen-expressing cells. This reagent must be used by FC qualified personnel.


CYT-10AC750 mAb recognizes CD10 antigen, a 100 KDa glycoprotein belonging to a family of type II transmembrane metalloproteases. This molecule is expressed on immature T and B precursor cells but is lost as the cells reach maturation. However, it is re-expressed on proliferating B cells and mature neutrophils. CD10 antigen is a common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia associated antigen (CALLA) as it is found on lymphocytes from acute B-lymphoid leukaemia samples. It is also present on a wide variety of normal and neoplastic cell types including renal epithelium, fibroblasts, granulocytes, and some T-cell leukaemia, lymphoma, melanoma, and glioma cell lines. This antibody can therefore be used in the characterization of non-T (common) acute lymphoblastic leukemias and in the studies of early stages of hematopoietic differentiation. APC-C750TM is a tandem dye with a maximum emission peak at 779 nm, which grants bright signal, low unspecific noise and high photostability. When excited by light from a red laser, the APC fluorochrome can transfer energy to C750 molecule, which then emits at a longer wavelength. It is recommended to use a 780/60 nm longpass filter along with a red sensitive detector to use in conjunction antibodies conjugated with APC and APC-C750TM.


The purified monoclonal CD10 antibody conjugated with the tandem allophycocyanine-C750 (APC-C750TM) is supplied in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% (m/v) BSA and 0.09% (m/v) sodium azide.

  • Clone: HI10a.
  • Isotype: IgG1.
  • Amount per 0,15 mL vial: 50 tests (3 µL mAb per determination).
  • Reagent is considered non-sterile.
  • آنتی بادی مونوکلونال (mAb) می باشد که بعنوان یک معرف ایمنوفلوروسانس در شناسایی و شمارش سلول های که بیان کننده آنتی ژن CD10، به وسیله فلوسایتومتری استفاده می گردد.

شماره کاتالوگ: CYT-10AC750

کلون:  HI10a

ایزوتوپ: IgG1

وضعیت: CE-IVD

هدف: CD10

فرم فیزیکی: مایع

لیزر مورد نیاز برای برانگیختگی: Red laser

اندازه (تست):50Test

فلوروکروم: ™APC-C750

AML/MDS: EuroFlow™ Panel

شرایط نگهداری: در دمای 2-8  درجه سانتی گراد و مکان خشک نگهداری شود و همچنین معرف نباید فریز گردد و یا در معرض نور مستقیم خورشید قرار بگیرد.


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