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آنتی بادی Desmin کلون D33 برند Patho Sage


Desmin also known as Human muscle, 53kD. Desmin is an intermediate filament protein of both smooth and striated muscles. Antibody to Desmin reacts with striated (skeletal and cardiac) as well as smooth muscle cells. In skeletal and cardiac muscles, the staining is confined to the Z-bands giving a characteristic striated appearance. Anti Desmin antibody is useful in indication of tumors of myogenic origin. It reacts with leiomyosarcomas (smooth muscle) as well as rhabdomyosarcomas (striated muscle).


Human leiomyoma


Diluted supernatant in 0.15 M PBS with approximately 25 μg antibody/ml and 1% BSA and 0.1% sodium azide

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Patho Sage Desmin D33 1,012.25 KB 1 downloads

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