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آنتی بادی BCL2 کلون 124 برند Patho Sage


Anti-BCL2 has shown consistent negative reaction on reactive germinal centers and positive staining of neoplastic follicles in follicular lymphoma. Consequently, this antibody is valuable when distinguishing between reactive and neoplastic follicular proliferation in lymph node biopsies. This antibody may also be used in distinguishing between those follicular lymphomas that express BCL2 protein and the small number in which the neoplastic cells are BCL2 negative. Anti-BCL2 has been used as a predictive biomarker for recurrence in the case of radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer and has shown promise as a prognostic marker in the case of cancer of the breast and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung.


Synthetic peptide corresponding to Bcl-2 aa 51-54


Bioreactor Concentrate with 0.05% Azide

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Patho Sage BCL2 124 1.10 MB 2 downloads

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