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آنتی بادی BCL6 کلون ZM22 برند Patho Sage


Recognizes a protein of 95kDa, which is identified as Bcl-6. Antibody to bcl-6 is helpful in a number of diagnostic settings: (1) In the differential diagnosis of small B-cell lymphoma. Follicular lymphoma will show bcl-6 (and CD10) positivity whereas other small B-cell lymphomas are usually negative. (2) Bcl-6 is an important prognostic marker in diffuse large Bcell lymphomas(DLBCL), where CD10, bcl-6 and MUM1/IRF4 are used to identify germinal center and activated B-cell phenotypes.(3) Bcl-6 can be valuable in distinguishing classical Hodgkin lymphoma from nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL). The Reed Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma are bcl-6 negative whereas the large (“L&H”) cells of NLPHL are bcl-6 positive. In contrast, anti-Bcl-6 rarely stains mantle-cell lymphoma and MALT lymphoma.


Recombinant human BCL-6 protein fragment (aa256-389) (exact sequence is proprietary)


Purified antibody diluted in Tris-HCI buffer containing stabilizing protein and <0.1% sodium Azide.

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Patho Sage BCL6 ZM22 946.96 KB 1 downloads

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