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آنتی بادی CD20 کلون L26 برند Patho Sage


This antibody reacts with a formalin-resistant intracytoplasmic epitope found in the majority of B cells and now considered to be the CD20 antigen, a pan-B cell marker. The antibody primarily recognizes a 33 kD polypeptide B cell component and also a minor 30 kD cellular antigen. The staining pattern is consistent with pan-B reactivity, producing staining for B cells in lymphoid and peripheral blood tissue. This antibody intensely stains germinal centers and B immunoblots in lymphoid tissue. The L26 antibody is widely regarded as the most selective B cell marker currently available. L26 has shown no cross reactivity with nonlymphoid tissues and there are several studies demonstrating its sensitivity and specificity in formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Studies have demonstrated that, in cases of lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin’s lymphomas, L&H variants of Reed-Sternberg cells show a strong L26 reactive pattern that is distinctive from other Reed Sternberg variants. L26 may prove to be a useful marker for this particular subset of Hodgkin’s lymphomas.


Human tonsil B cells


Bioreactor concentrate with 0.05% Azide

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Patho Sage CD20 L26 1.18 MB 1 downloads

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