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آنتی بادی Cytokeratin کلون 34BE12 برند Patho Sage


Anti-Cytokeratin, 34betaE12 is an antibody to high molecular weight cytokeratin that reacts with all squamous and ductal epithelium and stains carcinomas. This antibody recognizes cytokeratins 1,5,10, and 14 that are found in complex epithelia. Anti-Cytokeratin, 34beta E12 shows no reactivity with hepatocytes, pancreatic acinar cells, proximal renal tubules or endometrial glands; there has been no reactivity with cells derived from simple epithelia. Mesenchymal tumors, lymphomas, melanomas, neural tumors and neuroendocrine tumors are unreactive with this antibody. Anti-Cytokeratin, 34beta E12 does label myopeithelial cells and has been shown to be useful in distinguishing prostatic adenocarcinoma from hyperplasia of the prostate. This antibody has also been useful in separating benign from malignant intraductal breast proliferations.


Solubilized keratin extract from human stratum corneum


Bioreactor Concentrate with 0.05% Azide, the ready-to-use antibody is diluted in Tris Buffer, pH 7.3-7.7, with
1% BSA and <0.1% Sodium Azide

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