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آنتی بادی Cytokeratin Cocktail کلون AE1+AE3+C11+DC10 برند Patho Sage


Twenty human keratins are resolved with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis into acidic (pI <5.7) and basic (pI >6.0) subfamilies. This antibody cocktail recognizes acidic (Type I or LMW) and basic (Type II or HMW) cytokeratin’s, with 67kDa (CK1); 64kDa (CK3); 59kDa (CK4); 58kDa (CK5); 56kDa (CK6); 55kDa (CK7); 52kDa (CK8); 56.5kDa (CK10); 53kDa (CK13); 50kDa (CK14); 50kDa (CK15); 48kDa (CK16); 46kDa (CK17); 45kDa (CK18) and 40kDa (CK19). Many studies have shown the usefulness of keratins as markers in cancer research and tumor diagnosis. KRT-PAN is a broad-spectrum anti pan cytokeratin antibody cocktail, which differentiates epithelial tumors from non-epithelial tumors e.g. squamous vs. adenocarcinoma of the lung, liver carcinoma, breast cancer, and esophageal cancer. It is useful in characterizing the source of various neoplasms and to study the distribution of cytokeratin containing cells in epithelia during normal development and during the development of epithelial neoplasms. This antibody stains cytokeratin’s present in normal and abnormal human tissues and shows high sensitivity in the recognition of epithelial cells and carcinomas.


Human epidermal keratin


Bioreactor Concentrate with 0.05% Azide

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