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سما تشخیص آریا ، عرضه کننده متنوع ترین و کامل ترین محصولات کیت های آزمایشگاهی

جستجوی پیشرفته
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جستجو در عنوان
دنبال محصول یا مطلبی میگردید؟ در این کادر جستجو کنید

Product Composition: 10 mM Sodium/Potassium Phosphate pH 7.4, 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Recommendations for Use:

Before start using the product: The solution is concentrated, so a dilution prior to its use is required. To do this, the content of each sachet is diluted in 1 L of double-distilled or deionized water.
1- Cut and mount the sections on silane-treated slides.
2- Deparaffinize and hydrate the tissue sections.
3- Retrieval: For the retrieval process, the appropriate antigen retrieval agent is used for each antibody (specified by the manufacturer).
4.- Remove sections and place them in PBS, pH 7.40.
5.- Proceed with the immunohistochemical staining.

Specificity, Interference and Limitation: In any immunohistochemical procedure, any antiserum that is not bound to the antigen during an incubation must be removed before proceeding to the next incubation; this is performed by washing with the chosen buffer.

Storage: Store at room temperature away from intense heat/cold sources until the expiry date of the product.

Application: PBS buffer is a buffered saline required for the successful development of numerous immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization procedures used as a wash solution during the performance of the techniques.

دانلود کاتالوگ

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