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کیت های سیش

مشاهده همه 4 نتیجه

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  • zytodot_2c_spec_her2_cen_17_probe_2
    کیت های سیش

    HER2/CEN 17 Dual CISH detection kit (Zytovision technology)

    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Available Size : 40 test

    Intended Use : Diagnostic in vitro in humans

    Description: This kit contains reagents to perform manual or automated chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) technique on
    human tissue sections fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin in order to determine the HER2 gene status
    in relation to the chromosome 17 centromere.
    This kit contains all the solutions in sufficient quantity to perform 40 determinations following the protocol

  • Lambda site
    کیت های سیش

    Lambda Light Chains CISH Kit (Using Zytovision technology)

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Available Saize: 5 tests / 20 tests

    Intended Use: Diagnostic in vitro in humans

    Description: This kit contains reagents to perform manual or automated chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) technique
    on human tissue sections fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin.
    This kit does not contain a visualization system and is sufficient for the realization of 5 or 20 determinations
    following the recommended protocol. The best results have been obtained using the visualization system
    based on the Master Polymer Plus available in the Master Diagnóstica catalogue.

    Diagnostic Applications:
    Determining the relative ratio of the two existing light chains of immunoglobulins by the chromogenic in situ
    hybridization techniques is suitable for the detection of B cell lymphoproliferative disorders clonality, providing
    substantial support for a lymphoma diagnosis when compared with any lymphoid hyperplasia or other reactive
    lymphadenitis. In the same line it has a diagnostic value in plasma cell dyscrasias and leukemia, myeloma and

  • [wpdm_package id=2676 template="link-template-calltoaction3.php"]
    کیت های سیش

    Immunoglobulin Kappa Light Chains CISH DetectionKit (Incl.Detection System)(using Zytovision Tec.)

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Available Size: 20 tests

    Intended Use : Diagnostic in vitro in humans

    Description: This kit contains reagents to perform manual or automated chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) technique
    on human tissue sections fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin.
    This kit contains a visualisation system based on Master Polymer Plus and is sufficient to perform 20
    determinations following the recommended protocol.

    Diagnostic Applications: Determining the relative ratio of the two existing light chains of immunoglobulins by the chromogenic in situ hybridization techniques is suitable for the detection of B cell lymphoproliferative disorders clonality, providing substantial support for a lymphoma diagnosis when compared with any lymphoid hyperplasia or other reactive
    lymphadenitis. In the same line it has a diagnostic value in plasma cell dyscrasias and leukemia, myeloma and plasmacytoma.

  • EBER
    کیت های سیش

    Epstein Barr Virus (EBER) CISH Detection Kit (Incl. Detection system)

    نمره 0 از 5
    اطلاعات بیشتر

    Available Size: 20 test

    Intended Use : Diagnostic in vitro in humans

    Description: This kit contains reagents to perform manual or automated chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) technique
    on human tissue sections fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin.
    This kit contains a visualisation system based on the Master Polymer Plus HRP detection system and is
    sufficient to perform 20 determinations following the recommended protocol.

    Diagnostic Applications: EBV is directly associated with various human cancers of epithelial, mesenchymal and especially lymphoid origin inside whose cells can be identified. Classic examples of related lymphoid malignancies, in many of which the determination of the EBV EBER1 RNA is diagnostic, are the classic type of Hodgkin’s disease, the Burkitt lymphoma endemic type, plasmablastic lymphoma, some NK/T cell lymphomas and T lymphoproliferative disorders that appear in transplanted and immunocompromised patients such as those infected by the HIV virus.

    Epithelial neoplasm
    • Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
    • Gastric Carcinoma
    • Medullary carcinoma of the pancreas
    • Lymphoepithelial carcinomas (salivary glands, thymus, lung, breast, etc..)

    Mesenchymal neoplasm
    • Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
    • Leiomyomas / leiomyosarcomas in immunocompromised patients

    • Hodgkin lymphoma classic type
    • Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma
    • Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
    • Pyothorax associated lymphoma
    • Primary effusion lymphoma
    • Nasal type NK / T peripheral lymphoma
    • Some diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
    • T-cell rich B cell lymphoma
    • Angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma

    Lymphoproliferative disorders in immunocompromised patients
    • Associated with primary immunodeficiency
    • Associated with HIV infections
    • Post-transplant lymphomas
    • Methotrexate induced Lymphomas
    • Large B-cell lymphoma of the elderly

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