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آنتی­ بادی T-Box TBX21 (4B10)

Name: T-Box/TBX21 Antibody (Clone 4B10)

Description and applications: The T-bet transcription factor (more correctly called T-box TBX21 transcription factor), expressed in T cells, is one of the members of the T-box transcription factor family specific to Th1 cells. It is encoded by a gene located in the chromosomal region 17q21.32. The T-bet factor was originally isolated from nuclear extracts of resting and PMA/ionomycin-activated AE7 lymphoid cells; it is expressed in low levels in resting cells, and in increased levels in stimulated cells. T-bet regulates the secretion of IFN-γ by CD4 Th1 cells (although this mediator is also produced by NK cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, in the latter case, independently of the presence of T-bet). Similarly, and under the right conditions, T-bet also converts effector Th2 cells into the opposing Th1 subset. In mice carrying T-bet gene deletions, lymphocytes differentiate into a predetermined stage of Th2 cells and are protected against lesions equivalent torheumatoid arthritis, which highlights the crucial role that this transcription factor plays in the induction of a Th1 response. For this reason, it is now known that an adequate level of T-bet activation contributes to a decrease of the excessive Th2 response found in bronchial hyperreactivity, oedema, and eosinophil granulocyte infiltration underlying bronchial asthma. In normal tissue, T-bet is expressed selectively and more intensely in Th1 cells, although at a lower level it is also found in NK cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, and its expression level is increased in response to signals mediated by the T cell-specific receptor (TCR) and IL-12. In pathological situations, T-bet, in addition to being involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of some T cell lymphoproliferative processes, also regulates the response in some autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease and type I diabetes mellitus. Finally, the presence of genetic variations in T-bet is associated with a greater susceptibility to bronchial asthma with sinonasal polyposis development and intolerance to aspirin. The implication of T-bet in the pathological development of B cells, as well as the development of some of the neoplastic lesions that are derived from them, has not yet been sufficiently analysed. In neoplasms, the T-bet transcription factor is expressed in all lymphomas originating from mature T cells, especially in peripheral T lymphomas, and is consistently negative in lymphomas derived from T cell precursors (lymphoblastic lymphomas). Likewise, most nasal NK/T lymphomas express nuclear T-bet regardless of the presence of Epstein-Barr virus or the presence of TCR receptor clonal rearrangement. Among B cell-derived neoplasms that most frequently express T-bet are marginal zone lymphomas, both extranodal and splenic, B lymphoblastic leukaemia, and hairy-cell leukaemia, in which T-bet positivity, along with TRAP, DBA.44, CD123, and Annexin-1 positivity, confirm diagnosis. Moreover, this antibody against T-bet has the advantage of being one of the few antibodies that work consistently in spine biopsies with hairy-cell leukaemia infiltration. Other lymphoproliferative lesions that may occasionally express T-bet are B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, diffuse large B cell lymphoma, and classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Likewise, positivity has been described in some adenocarcinomas. In the differential diagnosis between lymphocytic colitis and coeliac disease, predominance of T-betpositive T cells, both in the epithelium and in the lamina propria, supports the latter diagnosis, while positive cells for both T-bet and GATA3 are more characteristic of lymphocytic colitis.

Composition: Anti-human T-Box TBX21 mouse monoclonal antibody purified from serum and prepared in 10mM PBS, pH 7.4, with 0.2% BSA and 0.09% sodium azide.

Immunogen:Recombinant mouse T-bet protein.

حجم موجود3 / 7 / 12 میلی‌لیتر

مورد استفادهایمونوهیستوشیمی روی بافت پارافین. بر روی بافتهای فروزن یا وسترن بلات تست نشده است.

کلون: 4B10

ایزوتایپ: IgG1

کنترل مثبت IHC: بخش بافت لوزه

قابلیت دیده شدن: هسته ای

روش پیشنهادی IHC:

  • برش تهیه شده با ضخامت μm4 باید روی لام شارژ شده در طول شب و در دمای 60 درجه سانتی گراد خشک شود.
  • دپارافینه کردن، رهیدراته کردن و استفاده از حرارت جهت بازیابی اپی توپ : بافت را با استفاده از بافر EDTA pH 8 برای بیست دقیقه در دمای 95 درجه سانتی گراد بجوشانید. سپس 5-3 بار با استفاده از آب مقطر یا دیونیزه شده شسته و سپس بیست دقیقه در دمای اتاق خنک کنید.
  • بلاک پروکسیدازهای درونی : بلاک با استفاده از محلول پروکسیداز به مدت ده دقیقه
  • آنتی بادی اولیه: برای 10 دقیقه در انکوبه کنید پروتکل ممکن است بسته به تهیه نمونه و کاربرد خاص متفاوت باشد. شرایط استاندارد باتوجه به آزمایشگاه و کاربر متفاوت می باشد.
  • برای رنگ آمیزی ، می توانید از کیت Master Polymer Plus Detection یا کیتهای دیتکشن سایر کمپانی ها استفاده کنید.
  • رنگ میزی نهایی با هماتوکسیلین و فیکس نهایی اسلاید.

شرایط نگهداری و پایداری : حداکثر 18 ماه؛ در دمای 2-8 درجه سانتیگراد نگهداری شود. فریز نشود.


این آنتی‌بادی متعلق به پنل‌‌ تشخیصی LYMPHOID است.


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