برای تماس کلیک کنید

سما تشخیص آریا ، عرضه کننده متنوع ترین و کامل ترین محصولات کیت های آزمایشگاهی


Who we are

Cytognos S.L. is a biotechnology company based in Salamanca (Spain) dedicated to the design and development of new reagents, software and techniques that provide innovative solutions in the flow cytometry field

cytognos staff


Cytognos was founded in 1996 within the Hematology Department of the University of Salamanca. Our company was first established in Spain and nowadays has a healthy presence in international markets. In 1999 Cytognos joined the Vitro Group, one of the biggest diagnostic companies in Spain. In 2006 Cytognos entered the EuroFlow™ consortium and started developing innovative software for flow cytometry data analysis. In 2009 Seguranza Fund managed by Clave Mayor came into the company.


At the moment we have more than 40 highly qualified people working at Cytognos. Our R&D department plays a vital role in gathering knowledge and expertise in both reagent and software development. Our product specialist team is highly trained in flow cytometry techniques and currently gives support to customers and distributors in more than 32 countries worldwide.







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