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پروب فیش IGH-CCND1 Fusion-Translocation FISH Probe

INTRODUCTION: Cyclin D1, also called B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1 (BCL1) or parathyroid adenomatosis 1 (PRAD1), belongs to a family of highly conserved proteins that serve as key regulators of the cell cycle. They form complexes with, and thereby regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), a family of protein kinase enzymes required for progression through the cell cycle. Cyclin D1 is overexpressed in many tumor types. For example, it has been found amplified, and proven to be a marker of poor prognosis, in a percentage of breast cancer cases. CCND1 is also aberrantly activated in a number of hematological malignancies. It is mainly found in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), a relatively rare non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma type. The most common translocation in MCL is one in which CCND1 is moved to the IGH locus on chromosome 14; juxtaposition of the two genes leads to activation of the CCND1 gene via enhancer elements in the IGH locus. However, fusion of CCND1 with other genes, including FSTL3 and the IGHL@ and IGK@ gene loci, has also been observed. CCND1 activation by translocation also occurs in B-prolymphocytic leukemia, plasma cell leukemia, splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes and sometimes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma. Detection of CCND1 gene translocation is now widely recommended for the discernment of specific lymphoma subtypes. Furthermore, it is a predictor of improved survival in multiple myeloma patients.
INTENDED USE: The IGH-CCND1 Fusion/Translocation FISH probe kit is designed to detect rearrangements involving regions of the human IGH locus, located on chromosome band 14q32.33, and of the human CCND1 gene on 11q13.3. The kit contains two differentially labeled Locus Specific Probe (LSP) pairs. One set of probes covers the 5’ (start) portion of the CCND1 gene and some upstream untranslated genomic sequence as well as sequences downstream of the 3’ (end) part of the gene. The two probes are flanking sequences in the CCND1gene in which both a 3’ breakpoint cluster as well as several individual breakpoints have been observed.

PROBE DESCRIPTION: The IGH Probe of the IGH-CCND1 Fusion/Translocation FISH Probe Kit labeled with the fluorochrome CytoGreen covers the 5’ and the center sequences of the IGH locus, and it also covers the 3’ (end) part and the neighboring downstream region. The CCND1 Probe of the IGH-CCND1 Fusion/Translocation FISH Probe Kit labeled with the fluorochrome CytoOrange covers some genomic sequences adjacent to the 5’ (start) portion of the CCND1 gene; it also covers sequences downstream of the 3’ end of the gene. The probe set is optimized to reveal translocations between the two regions.

کمپانی سازنده: Master Diagnostica

کشور: اسپانیا

حجم پروب: 100 میکرولیتر برای 10 تست در قالب (RTU)

فیلترهای مورد نیاز:

روش و پروتکل انجام تست فیش (FISH): این پروب برای بررسی و استفاده از تکنیک هیبریدازیسیون (FISH) بر روی بافت های پارافین قابل استفاده می باشد و پیشنهاد می شود برای استفاده از این پروب فیش از کیت آماده سازی Master diagnostica FISH Pretreatment و پروتکل های پیشنهادی آن استفاده نمایید.

توجه: پیشنهاد می شود که قبل از استفاده از ویال, آن را با کمک سمپلر مخلوط نموده و سپس استفاده کنید.

زمان و دمای دناتوره شدن: 5 دقیقه – 80 درجه سانتی گراد

زمان دمای هیبرید شدن: 43 درجه سانتی گراد – 16 ساعت

تفسیر نتایج:

به طور کلی جهت تفسیر نتایج بر روی این پروب فیش (FISH) پیشنهاد می شود که معیارهای ارزیابی پذیرفته شده که در سرتاسر جهان استفاده میشود را مورد بررسی قرار دهید.

لطفا کاتالوگ پروب را از همین صفحه دانلود کنید و اطلاعات بیشتر را مطالعه فرمایید.




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