Aplication and Product Composition:
The chromogenic phase of the immunostain protocol reveals the location of the specific antigen-antibody
complex by the addition of the enzyme substrate and the chromogen.
Preparation Of The Chromogen Final Solution:
Add 1 drop of DAB Chromogen Concentrate in 1 ml of DAB Substrate Buffer. Mix well. This solution must be
protected from light and is stable for hours.
Important note: If after preparation, a pink-purple color of the mixture is seen, it is recommended to discard
the solution and prepare a new one
Recommendations For Use:
1. After incubation with a peroxidase (HRP) detection system, rinse well. Add the DAB mixture to the tissue
section following the routine protocol. Incubate 5 minutes at room temperature.
2. Rinse slides with distilled water. 3. Add 2-4 drops of DAB Enhancer to cover the tissue section completely. Incubate 1 to 2 minutes at room
temperature. (OPTIONAL STEP)
4. Rinse slides with distilled water or TBS.
5. Contrast with Haematoxylin.
6. Bluing in tap water.
7. Dehydrate, clear and mount.
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